Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hello fellow physics people.
Today in class we watched clips about circular motion and centripetal force. They were interesting to say the least.
For the rest of the class I think most of us were working on our catapult labs and finishing the questions up.
We receieved three worksheets. A practice sheet on acceleration and circular motion, centripetal acceleration, and one sheet introduces something new, frames of reference. So I suppose we should all get it done for the monday after break. Don't forget to work on them!

So as for the next scribe, it will be Jenny because the other day she was complaining that nobody picks her. =)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Today was the due date for our catapults. It's nice to see that everyone's catapults were so unique. We tested our catapults and filled in the pink sheet for the whole class. Remember the pink sheet is due on Friday.

Well that's what happened today.
The next scribe is LINA!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Free Body Diagrams-Circular Motion

Tuesday, March 25

Well Well Well. Today was just so exciting i dont know quite where to begin. At the beginning of class we went over two sheets that she gave us from the day before. The Free Body Exercise w/ circular motion, and the Unit 7 Study guide. Other than that nothing much happened. We learned how to draw free body diagrams w/ circular motion and read over pages 202-206 in the Duck book. Make sure you bring all supplies and tools needed for your catapults as they are do tomorrow.
Next scribe is Rosel

Monday, March 24, 2008

monday - it snowed today

Well today we watched a short movie on circular motion ( AKA centripetal motion) and we answered questions based on the movie that is also related to the new section. You can ask whoever you want for the answers . Then we worked on study guide 7.2 PERIODIC MOTION and we also have a worksheet to complete.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

a blog

Holy cow...what a late blog. whooops. Totally forgot..anyways...last Wednesday we just went over worksheets on the board then got more worksheets. Ummm...also we were assigned the catapult (don't know how to spell that) project. Remember, no elastics. I think that was the rule. Test on Wednesday!!! GOOD LUCK!!

Momentum & Projectile Motion Review

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 11

We worked on and corrected the momentum worksheets. The test is on Wednesday on momentum and projectile motion.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 6-7, 2008

Well, there was some confusion whether who will be the scribe for last Thursday and Friday, so i'm going to apologize for the lateness of this scribe. During the Thursday class, we just talked about elastic and inelastic collision. Then the rest of the class was spent on working on the following worksheets:
Chapter 9: Study Guide
Chapter 7: Momentum
9: Study Guide
Impulse and Momentum

During Friday's class, we did a lab on the conservation of momentum, one ball colliding with another. We rolled a sphere down a little ramp colliding with another sphere at the end of the ramp, set up at an angle either to the left or to the right. This lab was done to prove that the momentum before and after collision is equal.

monday blog done on tuesday morning

i forgot to do this last night so here it is ..

in monday's class we went over the chapter 9 study guide, chapter 7-1 sheet and the section 9-1 sheet as well. after that we continued to work on our labs which is due today !


and a test on both momentum AND projectiles next wednesday or thursday, if im not mistaken .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today in class we went over the dynamics test. Here are the corrections to the test.
Well the first and second questions are similar, all you had to do was draw the forces acting on the objects. Watch out for how long the arrows are because the longer the arrow is the stronger the force. Well the best way to get your questions addressed and answered is by asking someone in class or the teacher. I'm sure any one of us are happy to help.
That's basically all we did in class and a lab. The lab I assume is to be done by tomorrow and handed in. It wasn't a hard lab and the write up isn't difficult as well. Voila. That was the class in physics today.

Tomorrows scribe will be MARK!