Monday, February 25, 2008

Very late Thursday Scribe

I forgot what we had done on Thursday so I had to ask the teacher today and that is to explain why this scribe is so late. Sorry about not having it up earlier. Unfortunately this is a school computer and extremely sucks so I cant do to much with it.

Thursday- We started off with a overhead transparency worksheet 6. It was pretty straight forward, mostly looking at the overhead or in the booklet and writing down the answer.

Then I believe we did 4 questions in the booklet. Page 196 #1-4. I it was a two step question, first finding F net with friction then plugging that in an equation for time. My final answer was 1.6 seconds.

*note- my answers are mostly likely incorrect and i cant remember if i did them properly or not and if the teacher went over the questions in class.

second question was much like the first, same basis but without friction.

third question was a bit better as it involved two ramps. you used the first ramp to find V2, then plug it into the second to get total distance. I got like 9.8 meters.

The last question was also pretty straight forward.

At the end of class we had 2 Review sheets to go over with a total of 17 questions.
I hope I did this correctly and the next scribe can be Someone... I cant tell cause this computer wont let me get onto the site so I don't know who hasn't done it yet.
Have a good day.

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